The Authorized Gas Tester training program equips participants with essential skills to conduct gas testing safely in confined spaces.
The Authorized Gas Tester training program equips participants with essential skills to conduct gas testing safely in confined spaces. It emphasizes identifying and understanding potential hazards in such environments. Delegates also learn about relevant legislation governing gas testing and gain proficiency in using gas measuring and monitoring equipment. The training stresses the importance of documenting gas test results accurately.
When is Gas Testing Required?
Who Can Perform Gas Tests?
Understanding Hazardous Atmospheres
Flammable Gases, LEL & UEL, and Flammability Range
Oxygen Deficiency and Enrichment
Hazards of Toxic Contaminants
Terminologies & Definitions (TWA, STEL, TLV-Ceiling)
Relative Density and Its Importance
Gas Dispersion and Testing Locations
Best Practices for Gas Testing
Portable Gas Monitors
Basic Checks
General Considerations
Sample Management (MGT)
Pump Test
Bump Test
Course Summary
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